We assist client in Batam - Indonesia, to provide Financial Report and Taxation compliance, Tutorial in house for Accounting & Taxation, spreadsheet accounting without system, software accounting, software taxation matters, taxation planning and Tax disputes matters.
Our team is certified of Full Taxation Indonesia from Brevet A B and C ( Personal Income Tax, Corporate in idonesia and International Taxation)
Business Affiliates
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We truly appreciate
the Freelance Talent
Lowongan Kerja:
Bookkeeping & Tax
Demonstrated 5 years professional in Taxation and Bookkeeping, We are here to help you.
Existing Customer :
More than >10 Clients
Industry of DISTRIBUTOR, Property & Hotels, FMCG, Services and Manufacturing and Trading.
(Small Enterprises and Personal)
Organization consist of:
2 Professionals
4 Associates
Experience in Taxation for Personal and Enterprises in Indonesia.
Based in Batam and Bintan Island
Contact Email
Mobile: +62811-700-2404
for the Inquiry details and direct call, please fill these google form below.
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Jalan Letjend Suprapto
Sagulung, Batam Island - Kota Batam
Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia 29440
Company registered:
TAX ID NUMBER/ NPWP: 20.928.316.7-225.000
Email: sales@vzs-consulting.com
Mobile: +62811-700-2404